Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Finding Gyeongju Favorite Restaurant in South Korea


Gyeongju favorite restaurant is probably one of the most desired destination for for people visiting Gyeongju city along with the historical sites. Gyeongju is very popular among tourists visiting South Korea. What makes this city special is because it was the capital of Shilla Kingdom, one of the great Three Kingdoms ruling in Korea’s history (the other two being Goguryeo and Baekje, and later those three were reunited together under the Kingdom of Shilla). The whole city itself has been designated as historic city by UNESCO World Cultural Heritage. Throughout the town, there are a lot of historic sites and relics we can witness ourselves as the remains of the one ruling Kingdom in Korea Peninsula. Gyeongju is one of several travel destinations that adds flavor to south korea tourism. Eyeing the good opportunity to attract more foreign tourists, Korean government has several programs including Visit Korea year in 2012. Because of the increasing number of tourists who travel to south korea, business in South Korea is getting busier, especially restaurants.

Gyeongju  favorite restaurant
Gyeongju city is very popular travel destination because of the abundant historical remnants from the Shilla Dynasty. A lot of city in South Korea are popular because of their specialty culinary, but Gyeongju city is the opposite. People who visit Gyeongju probably do not have culinary tour in their mind because the main focus will be the historic sites and museum. Although there is no famous specialty dish from Gyeongju, there are several edible items that are famous for being the origin food of Gyeongju. They are hwangnam ppang and gyeongju ppang. Hwangnam ppang is a bread with silky and smooth red bean paste inside the this pastry shell, while gyeongju ppang is also filled with red bean paste like hwangnam ppang but enclosed by two thin barley pancakes. They can be bought from food booth at train station and several places spread throughout the city, but it will taste better if you buy it fresh from the bakery. The other dish which you can find in local restaurants seafood. Instead of cooked dish, Gyeongju favorite restaurant often serves fresh seafood like raw fish. Raw sliced fish or sashimi (in Korean: hwe), is made by slicing a fish that is caught after you order the dish. The fishes are usually freshly caught and brought to the restaurant to be served, so the freshness is guaranteed.

Gyeongju Famous Drinks
Gyeongju is known for Gyeodong Beopju, a mild rice wine made from glutenous rice and spring water. If you are curious for the taste, you can taste it at Gyeongju favorite restaurant.

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