Selasa, 10 Januari 2017

Why You Should Traveling to Jeju Island, South Korea


Traveling to south korea won’t be complete without visiting Jejudo Island. This volcanic island is located in the southern part of South Korea. You will feel warmer in the island thanks to the climate. When you are here, you can visit many natural tourism spots and join cultural festival. We list several of the best south korea tourism spots in Jejudo Island.

Hallasan National Park
This national park covers the Halla Mountain or Mount Yeongjusan. The area turned into a national park in 1970. Hallasan National Park is the house of 1,800 plant species and 4,000 animal species.  You will find that this national park is the right place for hiking. The field isn’t too difficult. You can high around 10 kilometers to one of the peak. There are around 368 peaks or oreums in Hallasan National Park. However, not every time you can hike. The tourism bureau only allows visitors to hike during daytime. You are encouraged to climb down before sunset. Well, if you find travel south korea spot to hike, this is the right venue.
Hallasan National Park
Hallasan National Park

Saebyeol Oreum
Saebyeol Oreum
Saebyeol Oreum
Your traveling to south korea, especially Jejudo Island, won’t finish without visiting Saebyeol Oreum. This place is located in Bongseong-ri, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do. It is also called as Hyoseongak. Saebyeol Oreum is a well-known mountain where Korean holds the Jeju Jeongwol Daeboreum Fire Festival. It is the festival that celebrates the first full moon of the lunar calendar. You have to join the festival! There, you can join lighting up the grass with fire. Then, you can enjoy singing and dancing in Korean culture too. This mountain is another perfect place to hike. But, you can’t hike everyday. It is better to check the hiking availability to the office first.

Cheonjiyeon Falls
Cheonjiyeon Falls
Cheonjiyeon Falls
Travel to south korea should be completed with visiting Cheonjiyeon Falls in Cheonji-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do. The legend says that it is the pond where seven fairies take a bath. The situation of the waterfall is very peaceful. If you find an escape from your routine, this is the right place to do that. The area is also known as the natural monument due to the rare plants. You can find many unique trees there, including Gusiljappam trees, camellias, brambles, and Songyeopnan trees. To go to the waterfall, you have to walk down the path around one kilometer from the front gate. There, you can enjoy 22 meter waterfall height, with 12 meter wide and 20 meter depth. This is also the place where people hold the Seven Fairies Festival. You can see the festival in May while you are traveling to south korea.

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